Beanie Baby Raffle Form

Our child was selected by People to People, one of the largest student exchange programs in the world, to be a Student Ambassador representing the U.S. in a travel abroad program to Europe this summer.   We are trying to raise funds for this international, educational experience for our daughter by raffling off Collectible Beanie Babies. 

Please print out this form and mail it with your donation to :

re: People to People Raffle
Clifton Country Mall
Clifton Park, NY 12065

Drawing is on May 10, 1998
Winner will be shipped Beanie Baby via UPS

Raffle tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.

Yes, I would like to enter the Princess Di Beanie Baby Raffle!

Street address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal code
Work Phone
Home Phone

  Enclosed is my donation of $_______ U.S Funds only (please) for _______ raffle tickets
  Please make checks payable to Heirlooms.