Microsoft Windows3.x

Downloading and Installation Instructions

There are two ways to download the software for Windows3.x. If you have Internet connection such as AOL, MSN, or another Internet Provider read the instructions for 'Download through TCP/IP'. If you don't have Internet connection, you're probably setting up another computer. The only option would be to use Terminal, a program which uses the modem in Windows3.x. Read the instructions for 'Download through Terminal'.

You can download the software by clicking here , then
in the loaction or URL field of your browser then pressing 'Enter'. A 'save file' window will appear, save the file as 'dlful30f.exe'. Click 'OK' and the downloading process will begin. Once the downloading is finished click here

In Program Manager double-click the Accessories icon. In the Accessories window double-click the Terminal icon. In the Terminal window click 'Settings' then 'Communications'. Select the communication port which your modem is connected. Then dot the highest baud rate which is 19200.

Click 'OK'. Click 'Phone' then 'Dial', type your local access phone number. If you don't know your local access number click here.

Click 'OK' and your computer should start dialing. Once connected a login prompt will appear

Welcome to On-Site / SurfNJ Internet . . . 
Need Help? Call 800-483-1223

login: download

Type 'download' for the login name and for the password call (800) 483-1223. You will not see the password when you type it for security reasons. Once logged on a menu will appear

                  On-Site / SurfNJ MAIN MENU

        1       Download Files
        2       Send E-Mail to On-Site / SurfNJ
        q       Log Off

Enter Your Selection:

Select the first option 'Download Files' then press 'Enter'. This action will bring up another menu

                On-Site / SurfNJ DOWNLOAD MENU

        1       Mac Files
        2       PowerMac Files
        3       Windows 3.1 Files
        4       Windows 95 Files
        5       Unix Files
        q       Return to On-Site / SurfNJ Main Menu

        Enter Your Selection:

Select number 3 which is 'Windows 3.1 Files' then press 'Enter' which again will bring up another menu

                WINDOWS 3.1 DOWNLOADING MENU

        1       Trumpet Winsock 2.0b - Freeware
        2       Internet Explorer
        3       Internet Explorer With Dialer ( Full Install )
        4       Netscape (without dialer)
        Q       Return to Main Menu

        Enter Your Selection:

Finally the last menu will appear asking for your modem protocol. If you do not know which modem protocol your modem supports, the X modem protocol is normally used.

        Downloading /ftp/pub/tcpip/win31/dlful30f.exe
        Please choose the download protocol your comm program supports:

        X) X Modem Protocol
        Y) Y Modem Protocol
        Z) Z Modem Protocol
        Q) Cancel and Return to Previous Menu

        Enter Your Selection:
Sending /ftp/pub/tcpip/win31/dlful30f.exe, 36979 blocks: Give your local
XMODEM receive command now.

The message that appears after choosing 'X' is your que to click 'Transfers' then 'Recieve binary file...' A save file window will appear. Save the file as 'dlful30f.exe' then click 'OK'. Downloading process has begun, it will take about 2 hours so you can go and watch a movie or go shopping.
Once finished downloading click here.

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On-Site Computer Service, Inc © 1998
Last Updated 07/16/13