On-Site - Surf NJ! is happy to support users of Macintosh computers and Macintosh clones. In fact, we have set aside this special support page just for you!
But right now there is not much here. I will get some time to make this page a bit more helpful in the near future. For now, here are some links that you may decide to explore.
This site provides all the information you will ever need on games your Mac can play over a network. Since the Internet is a network it also includes information on playing games on the Internet! Some helpful information is also provided about tools you can use to make Appletalk connections over the 'net.
Software Updates Mirror Sites
:Downloading a software update from Apple can be a real pain in the kiester. Their FTP servers are always under heavy load. Thankfully, this page lists all the sites from which you can download software updates for Apple computers, so if you know what you're looking for you can search more efficiently for a site that isn't too heavily loaded.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for the On-Site - Surf NJ! Mac User's page please feel free to email them to me (my address is provided on the handy-dandy link below). I will be working on this page a bit more as time allows.
On-Site Computer Service, Inc © 1998
Last Updated 07/16/13