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How to set up Windows 95 for the Internet

[Suggestion: This step by step procedure should be printed-out and followed while actually performing the setup. Just reading through this, without viewing the screens discussed, may be a bit overwhelming.]

Note: In the following discussion, click means to click the LEFT mouse button, right click means to click the RIGHT mouse button, and double-click means to rapidly click the LEFT mouse button twice. To drag a Windows object to a new location, position the mouse pointer over the object, then hold the mouse button down while moving the mouse to a new location, and then let go of the button. For dragging, "the button" is usually the left button, but (especially in Windows 95) can be the right button, in which case one often says to "right drag" the object.

1. Make Sure You Have Dial-Up Networking Installed

Double-Click the My Computer icon on your desktop. In the window that appears, look for Dial-Up Networking (maximize the window by clicking on the little square next to the X at the top-right corner of the window - click this again later to return the window to its normal size). If it is not there, you have to add it, so go on to step 2. If Dial-Up Networking is already present, skip ahead to step 3.

2. Installing Dial-Up Networking

Click on the Start button, then choose Settings, then Control Panel. In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs. In the window that appears, there will be 3 tabs running along the top. Click the Windows Setup tab. When it finishes loading, you will see a list of the Windows components installed on your computer, listed by category. Click on Communications to highlight it, and then click the Details button below. You will see another list, which contains Dial-Up Networking. If the box to the left of it is checked, then it is installed, so skip to the next step. Otherwise, click the empty box and a check-mark will appear, telling Windows you would like to add Dial-Up Networking. Then click the OK button at the bottom which will bring you back to the previous window, and then click the OK button in that window. Windows will probably prompt you to insert your Windows95 installation CD or disk so it can copy the files it needs. Follow the instructions on screen, and then verify that Dial-Up Networking is installed by repeating step 1, above. Then move on to step 3.

3. Configuring Dial-Up Networking

Double-click on the My Computer icon on your desktop, and then double-click on Dial-Up Networking. If this is the first time you're using Dial-Up Networking, a window entitled Make New Connection should automatically appear. If not, just double-click the Make New Connection icon. First type On-Site / SurfNJ under Type a name for the computer you are dialing. Ignore the rest of the screen and click Next at the bottom. Under telephone number, type in your local On-Site / SurfNJ telephone number. Again, ignore the rest and then click Next, and then click Finish. When this is completed, you will have a new icon in your Dial-Up Networking Window labeled On-Site / SurfNJ. Now, right-click that icon, then click on Properties. Go down to the bottom and click the Server Type button. Under Advanced Options, there should be a check next to Log on to Network and Enable Software Compression. Require Encrypted Password should be UNchecked. Under Allowed network protocols, only TCP/IP should be checked. Click on the checkboxes as needed to make your screen match this description. When this is complete, click the TCP/IP Settings button, and a new window will appear. A dot should be visible next to Server assigned IP address and also Specify name server addresses. If not, click as needed. Now enter the following information: Primary DNS: Secondary DNS:
Leave everything else just as it is and click OK. In the previous screen click OK again. And in the screen before that click OK as well, which should land you back at the first Dial-Up Networking window. If you'd like easy-access to your On-Site / SurfNJ icon, right-drag it onto your desktop, and choose Create Shortcut Here. Dial-Up Networking setup is now complete.

4. Configure Windows Network Options

Click the Start button, then click Settings then Control Panel. In the Control Panel window, double-click Network. You should be looking at the tab labeled Configuration. Under the heading The following network components are installed look for Dial-Up Adaptor. If it is not found then click the Add button, then double-click Adaptor in the list at the left. Under Manufacturers, scroll down to and then click Microsoft, and then Dial-Up Adaptor should appear under Network Adaptors. Double-click it, and you should be back at the opening window, and Dial-Up adaptor should now be visible in the list. Next, scroll down to the bottom of the list and look for TCP/IP. If it's not there, click the Add button, and then double-click Protocol. Click on Microsoft under Manufacturers, and then double-click TCP/IP under Network Protocols. You should then be back at the opening window, and TCP/IP should be present in the list (you may need to scroll down to see it).

Now that TCP/IP is present in the list, double click on it. A window will appear which contains six tabs, only two of which are important to your setup. The first tab you should click on is the DNS Configuration tab. In this tab, the first thing you need to do is click on Enable DNS. Then, under Host, enter a short name for your computer (just make something up, it doesn't matter much what it is). As with all text entries in this setup, make sure you are typing in all lower case (small letters). Now, next to Domain type surfnj.net Now go down to DNS Server Search Order. To the left of the Add button enter and then click the Add button. Go back to the same place and this time type in Click the Add button again. Both entries should now be visible in the box below the one you typed into (to the right of Remove), and in the order you entered them. Finally, go down to Domain Suffix Search Order, and, in the box to the left of the Add button type surfnj.net, then click the Add button. That's it! Click OK at the bottom of the window, then click OK again. One thing may happen now, and one other thing WILL happen now. What may happen is that Windows might need to copy some more files from the Windows95 installation CD/disk, so have them handy. The thing that WILL happen is that Windows will tell you it needs to restart. Click the OK button, and Windows will go away and come back again.

5. Finishing Up

When it comes back, your Windows95 will be completely configured to access On-Site / SurfNJ! Now you only need to do two more things:
1)Get your software (Netscape, Mosaic, Explorer, etc) and configure it if need be.
2) Double-click your On-Site / SurfNJ shortcut icon, fill in your user id and password, and click Connect. Windows will dial-up and connect to On-Site / SurfNJ. Success!

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On-Site Computer Service, Inc © 1998
Last Updated 07/16/13